We‘ve been designed to depend on one another. A baby can not survive without the milk of it’s mother, a child cannot mature in a healthy way without the love and discipline of both mother and father, and as they grow, the guidance of those that come into their lives (other family members, a school teacher, a mentor). We may experience times in our lives that aren’t easy, pleasant or bring about a sense of positive accomplishment and in those times our natural instinct is to ask for help. A baby will cry when they’re tired or hungry, a child or young adult will find the person or people they trust to confide in and get help from. I’ve learned that hiding struggles, issues, problems, etc will only cause what’s there to linger and bring about unnecessary stress, worry, and anxiety on the body and mind. Jesus died to make us free. Free from sin, sickness and mindsets that keep us in a cycle of dysfunction. To stay free, however, requires community. Those you trust to ensure that the path you’re on remains clear from what caused the need for help to come and to be able to function as the men or women of God we are to be in life. Success happens in community.