We've been instructed in our most recent class to call each day good from its beginning. Doing so has had a positive affect on my mindset. I find that I'm excited about what lies ahead even though it may only be just another day for some. The fact that we get to live through and experience a new day each time He wakes us up is a call for praise. The common question we ask each other is "how's your day?" Knowing that the Lord is the one who made the day has caused me to wonder why we call the day our own, but, that's beside the point. The answer to that question is sometimes answered with a complaint of some kind. Car is in the shop, bills are due, work is stressful, kids are a handful, etc. Genesis 1:31 says "God saw all that He had made, and it was very good." (NIV) The day itself must be included in the word 'all' so how is it that we can see any day as bad? The circumstances may not be ideal, but to come to the conclusion that something the Lord has made could be or is bad because of it would be inane.